
廖天琪 刘慧卿
10 月9日,以德国汉学家为主,并包括其他一些政界和文化新闻界的49名人士发出了一封致德国之声台长和德国联邦议会的公开信,要捍卫新闻的客观性和受到不公 正待遇者(张丹红)的权利。其主要内容是:1,为德国之声记者张丹红的发言权辩护,保护她的权利。2,责备此前分别发表过公开信的“联邦共和国作家协会” 和华人异议分子,认为他们提出对德国之声某些工作人员进行背景调查的要求有违新闻自由的原则;同时指称写信的中国异议分子是法轮功成员。3,声称写公开信 者的目的是要阻止外界和中国的正常交流,和媒体对中国的公正报道。
签名者中有很多是人到中年、经历了欧洲1968年学生运动的人士,他们现在是欧洲社会的中坚分子, 然而其思路难免有“政治正确”的模式倾向。公开信违背了一项新闻和学术最基本的原则:向权力说真话。
张 丹红有幸在自由国家从事新闻工作,但她违背自己的良心和职业道德,去为一个对她的新闻同业进行打压、封杀,甚至投入监狱的专制政权说话。张丹红不会不知 道,奥运前,中国许多的民主派、记者、作家被封笔、软禁、流放甚至下狱,但她竟然在公开的论坛上向极权政府献媚,说出“中国共产党比世界上任何一支政治力 量在实践人权宣言第三条方面的贡献都要大”的话,这不仅亵渎了自由媒体人的天职,根本是在为专制政府隐瞒社会真相,犯下了严重的错误。人们提出来要调查她 的背景,不仅没有违反而且是从根本上维护了“新闻自由”的原则。德国之声电台对她的“处理”已经是最轻的了。
49位学者的公开信提出如何 看待中国的发展和崛起的问题,要求德国新闻界对中国进行公正的报道。这是避重就轻、似是而非的一种说法。何为公正?难道只有跟着中共媒体的报喜不报忧那 样,德国媒体的中国报道才算公正吗?难道德国媒体对中国的“扒粪”,仅仅是出于偏见吗?我们也可以提出一个类似的问题:如何看待当年德国日本和苏联的发展 和崛起,并进行公正报道呢?
请反思德国的历史:如果二战之后,德国不经过非纳粹化、战争罪犯不经过纽伦堡审判、没有布兰德总统跪在华沙犹 太人的纪念碑下忏悔的历史场景,德国人因法西斯主义而蒙尘的精神和心灵损伤是不能修复的,战后的经济起飞也是不能被自己和他人接受的。1968年的学生运 动所追求的不也就是这份“历史真相”吗?
请看看中国自中共执政以来,中国历经土改、反右、大饥荒、文革、上山下乡运动,一路下来中国人被 无辜屠杀、凌辱的数字超过两三千万。中国政府至今不允许进行调查,也从来没有说过一句道歉的话。八十年代开始经济改革以来,社会上一有动荡,政府的反应就 是动用军警镇压。从1983年的“严打”到1989年天安门的民主运动到2006年的太石村事件,中国政府始终是站在中国人民的对立面。今天中国的经济繁 荣的表象,很大程度是建立在一个庞大的、没有基本劳工和医药保险的赤贫农民工群体之上的。中国政府现在取代了以前地主、资本家的地位,成为人民最严酷的压 榨者、最凶恶的土地掠夺者和产业强占者。
是的,今天的中国比毛泽东时代“自由”多了,当时弄脏一张报纸上的毛主席像,就可能被杀头。今天 很大部分人的生活比以前富裕,但是社会的不公、腐败的官场和社会风气更为令人惊心动魄。人们不得不自己起来争取权利。盲人律师陈光诚、维权律师郭飞雄、高 智晟、作家杜导斌、记者师涛、爱滋维权者胡佳,他们都站在普通人的前面,但是政府把他们投入了监狱。
在手握权柄的迫害者和无权无势的受害 者之间,尊敬的教授们和博士们,你们生活在坚守自由价值的国家,却选择了站在权力的一边,你们中有那么多中国问题专家、权威,却选择了为在德国民主中赞美 暴政,仅遭被免去副主任职务的张丹红“维权”,却没有几人想到也要去为在中国专制下因言被判重刑的陈光诚、师涛等呼吁;你们冷眼旁观被剥夺了基本权利的中 国人民,又有几人为他们所遭受的不公辩护过吗?你们的这种选择,与1930年代的法国大文豪罗曼罗兰选择批评本国民主政府却隐瞒前苏联的黑暗有何不同?与 1940年代的德国笔会的多数作家选择对抗国际笔会的批评却无视纳粹政权侵犯人权又有何不同?
汉学家们穷其精力来学汉语,却忘记了自己的 德语里有个用来形容独立知识分子的形容词 “unbequem”(令人不舒服、不安)。真正的知识分子永远应该站在权力的对立面,特别是不受制约的极权政府的对立面,去进行监督和掣肘。49位签名 者,我们深感遗憾,你们没有秉承德国深厚的人文传统,也没有间接受到汉文化里志士仁人的熏染。你们不应当扮演这种助纣为虐的不光彩角色。望你们三思。
Please Speak Truth to Power
A Response to the Open Letter by 49 German Scholars
by Tienchi Martin Liao Emily Lau etc
We are a group of Chinese freelance writers, journalists and friends of Chinese people living in different parts of the world. We wish to respond to the open letter that was signed by 49 German scholars relating to the Deutsche Welle incident.
On October 9, 49 individuals, most of them German sinologists but also including some political figures, writers and journalists, published an open letter to Deutsche Welle and to the German Bundestag, defending the objectivity of the news media and the rights of an unfairly treated individual, Zhang Danhong. The letter included the following main points: 1) defending the freedom of expression and rights of the Deutsche Welle journalist Zhang Danhong; 2) censuring the "Federal Republic Writers' Association" and Chinese dissidents for a previous open letter that had supposedly demanded a background investigation into certain Deutsche Welle employees, on the basis that this violated the principle of press freedom, and referring to the Chinese dissidents who wrote the letter as "Falun Gong practitioners"; 3) alleging that the objective of the open letter was to prevent normal exchanges between the outside world and China, and impartial reporting about China.
Many of the signatories of the open letter are middle-aged individuals who experienced the 1968 student movements in Europe; now the backbone of European society, they inevitably tend toward "political correctness." Their open letter violated a basic principle of the news media and academia: speak truth to power.
Zhang Danhong had the good fortune to engage in journalistic work in a free country, but she violated her own conscience and professional ethics by becoming a spokesperson for the autocratic regime that suppressed, shut out and even imprisoned members of her own journalistic profession. Zhang Danhong could not but have known that before the Beijing Olympics, many Chinese journalists and writers had been censored, placed under house arrest, removed from their cities of residence or even imprisoned, yet she continued to ingratiate herself to the totalitarian regime in an open forum with such words: “The Chinese Communist Party has contributed more than any other political force to the implementation of Article 3 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.” This was not only blaspheming to the jounalistic profession, but to cover up the true situation in the society for the authoritarian regime, it is a serious error, and it was completely understandable that others should request an investigation into her background. This is a completely different matter from violating "press freedom." Deutsche Welle was in fact as lenient as it could be toward Zhang in the handling of this matter.
The open letter by the 49 scholars posed questions regarding how to treat China's development and rise, and demanded that the German news media report impartially on China. This specious statement sidesteps the real issue. What constitutes impartiality? Is it only reporting positive and not negative news about China, as the Chinese media are required to do? Can it be that the German media's "muck-raking" reports about China are simply biased? We can pose a corresponding question: how should others have reported impartially on the rise of Germany, Japan and the Soviet Union several decades ago?
Please think back on Germany's history: If after World War II Germany had not undergone entnazifizieren, or denazification, if the perpetrators of war crimes had not been obliged to undergo the Nuremberg Trials, if Willy Brandt had not knelt in mourning and repentance before the memorial to the Jews murdered in the Warsaw Ghetto, then the German people would never have recovered from the spiritual damage caused by Nazism, and their post-war economic resurgence could never have been accepted by the rest of the world. Indeed, was not the 1968 student movement demanding this very "historical truth"?
Please look back at the estimated 20 to 30 million innocent victims of violence and humiliation in the course of China's Land Reform, Anti-Rightist Campaign, Great Famine, Cultural Revolution and educated youth sending down to the countryside. Up to the present day, the Chinese government has not allowed any investigation into these crimes, nor has it uttered a word of apology. Since economic reform began in the 1980s, whenever there has been any social unrest, the government's response has been to suppress it through police and military action. From the 1983 "strike hard” anti-crime crackdown to the 1989 Tiananmen democracy movement to the 2006 Taishi Village incident, the Chinese government has set itself in opposition to the Chinese people. China's current image of economic prosperity is built to a great extent on the toil of an immense body of impoverished migrant laborers without basic employment protections or health benefits. The Chinese government has taken over the role previously held by the landlords and capitalists as the harsh and merciless exploiter and plunderer of the people's assets and labor.
Yes, today's China is much more "free" than in the Mao Zedong era; back then, sullying a newspaper bearing the image of Chairman Mao was punishable by death. Today the majority of people live in greater prosperity than before, but social injustice, official corruption and social unrest have increased at a breath-taking rate. People have been compelled to rise up in defense of their own rights. The blind lawyer Chen Guangcheng, the rights defense lawyers Guo Feixiong and Gao Zhisheng, the writer Du Daobin, the journalist Shi Tao, the AIDS activist Hu Jia -- they have all stood on the side of the common people, but the government has sent them all to prison.
Respected scholars, you who live in a country that maintains the values of liberty, when presented with a choice between the powerful persecutors and the powerless victims, why do you choose to stand on the side of the powerful? Why do you choose to defend the rights of Zhang Danhong, who faces only the dismissal from her deputy leader position in Deutsche Welle, when you have never spoken up for the rights of the heavily sentenced Chen Guangcheng or Shi Tao? Gazing aloofly at the Chinese people who have been deprived of their basic rights, have you ever spoken in defense of them because of their ill treatment? Are you any different than the French eminent writer Roman Roland who in the 1930s chose to criticize the democratic government of his own country, but hid the darkness of the former Soviet Union? Are you any different than the majority writers of the German PEN Center (Deutschen PEN-Clubs) in the 1940s who confronted the critics of the international PEN, but kept their eyes closed to the human rights abuses of the Nazi regime?
As sinologists, you have exhausted all effort to learn the Chinese language, and in the proess you have forgotten the German adjective used to describe the independent intellectual: "unbequem" -- causing discomfort or unease. The true intellectual will always stand in opposition to those in power, and an unconditionally totalitarian government should be subjected to even more monitoring and restraint, with intellectuals causing all the more unease to the holders of power. We deeply regret that you 49 signatories have not followed in the profound German literary tradition, and have not benefited from the indirect influence of the loftiest ideals of Chinese culture. Your open letter has encouraged the propaganda machine of the Chinese dictatorship and provided it munition with which to attach the democracy in Germany as well as the Chinese dissidents, while leaving China's ordinary people and defenders of justice feeling disappointed, betrayed and humiliated.
(如欲加入签名,请发电子邮件至[email protected])
Martin-Liao, Director of the Laogai Research Foundation, Washington, DC
, USA, Editor-in-Chief of Arcus Chinatexte, Bochum, 廖天琪, 劳改基金会主任,
Emily Lau, Former Chairperson of Hong Kong
Journalists Association, Legislative Councillor, Convenor of the
Frontier, Vice-chairperson of China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group,
Hong Kong 劉慧卿,前香港記者協會主席,立法會議員,前綫召集人,中國維權律師關注組副主席,香港
Albert Ho,
Solicitor, Legislative Councillor, Chairman of Hong Kong Democratic
Party, Chairman of China Human Rights Lawyers Concern Group, Hong
Qing Zhou, Writer, Lettre
Ulysses for the Art of Reportage, Heinrich-Boell-Foundation(Germany)
invited writers in residence, Beijing/Cologne, Germany, 周勍,作家,
Wing Mui Tsoi , Executive Editor of Open Magazine, Hong Kong, 蔡咏梅,香港《开放》杂志执行编辑
Yi Zheng , writer, Chairman of the Independent Chinese PEN Center, Washington DC, USA, 郑义,作家,独立中文笔会会长,华盛顿
Yisan Wu, Freelance, Hong Kong, 武夷三,自由撰稿人,香港
Zhang, Secretary General of the Independent Chinese PEN Center,
freelance writer, Sydney, Australia, 张小刚,独立中文笔会秘书长,自由撰稿人,悉尼
Lian Yang, Poet, Board member of the International PEN , London, United Kingdom, 杨炼,诗人,国际笔会理事, 伦敦
Zhang,Ph D. Editor-in Chief of Bulletin of the Chinese in Nord Europe,
Coordinator for the Writers in Prison Committee, ICPC, Stockholm,
Sweden, 张裕博士,《北欧华人通讯》主编,独立中文笔会狱委协调人,斯德哥尔摩
Harry Wu, Executive
Director of the Laogai Research Foundation, Publisher of the China
Information Center, Washington DC ,USA, 吴弘达,劳改基金会执行主任,中国信息中心发行人,华盛顿
Chu Cai, Poet, Editor-in-Chief of Wild Grass, Editor of Democratic China, USA, 蔡楚,诗人,《野草》主编,《民主中国》编辑
Lili Yang, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chiefof Guancha website (observechina.net) , Washington DC, USA, 杨莉藜博士,《观察》主编,华盛顿
Chen, Ph.D., Scholar, Executive Director of the Princeton China
Initiative, Editor-in-Chief of China in Perspective
(www.chinainperspective.com), Princeton/Washington DC,USA, 陈奎德博士,
Emily Wu, Author of A Feather in Storm (Feder in Stom, Hoffmann und Campe Verlag) ,San Francisco,USA, 巫一毛 , 作家(《暴风雨中一羽毛》),旧金山
Jiazhen Qi, Writer, Melbourne, Australia, 齐家贞, 作家,墨尔本
Wa Jing, Poet, California,USA, 井蛙,诗人,加州
Patrick Kar-wai Poon, former journalist of South China Morning Post, member of ICPC, Hong Kong, 潘嘉偉, 前《南華早報》記者, 獨立中文筆會會員, 香港
Luoying Hai, Writer, Melbourne, Australia, 海落英, 作家,墨尔本
Ping Hu, writer, Editor-in-Chief of Beijing Spring, New York,USA, 胡平 ,作家,北京之春主编, 纽约
Yongyi Song, Writer, Historian, California,USA, 宋永毅 , 作家,历史学家, 加州
Nan Zhao, Freelance, Japan, 赵南, 自由撰稿人, 日本
David, Ding, writer, 丁强, 作家
Liyong Sun, Freelance, Sydney, Australia, 孙立勇, 自由撰稿人,悉尼
Yue Jiang, Freelance, New York,USA, 江月,作家,纽约
Minru Yan, Writer, Zurich, Switzerland, 颜敏如,作家,瑞士
Yue Sun, Freelance, Moscow, Russia, 孙越, 自由撰稿人,莫斯科
Jianhong Li, Writer, Shanghai/Stockholm, 李剑虹(小乔),作家,上海/斯德哥尔摩,
Shenglin Wang, Financial analysist, Chicago, 王胜林, 金融风险分析师, 芝加哥
Xiaodong Liu, Freelance, Chicago, 刘晓东,自由撰稿人,芝加哥
Xue Sheng, Writer, journalitst, Toranto, 盛雪,作家、记者,多伦多
Rongfen Wang, Ph.D.,Writer, scholar, Wiesbaden, 王容芬博士,作家,维斯巴登
Bai Lan, Artist, Hamburg, Germany, 白兰,艺术家,德国汉堡
Fengshi Yang, Ph.D. Composer, Chicago, 楊逢時博士,作曲家, 芝加哥
Dan Wang, Ph.D. Scholar, Publisher of Beijing Spring, New York, 王丹博士,学者,北京之春发行人,纽约
Pinchao Jiang, Editor of “Poetry Anthology of June 4th”, San Francisco, 蒋品超,《六四诗集》主编,旧金山
Jianli Yang, Ph.D. Senior researcher of Harvard University, Boston 杨建利博士, 哈佛大学高级研究员, 波士顿
Liangyong Fei, Nuclear Engineer, Chairman of the Federation of Democratic China, Nuernberg, 费良勇,核工程师, 民主中国阵线主席,德国纽伦堡
Xiayang Zhang, Engineer, Chicago, 工程师,芝加哥
Lisa Zhao, Professor, Chicago,教授,芝加哥
Weiguang Zhong, scholar, writer, Essen, Germany, 仲维光, 学者,作家,德国埃森
Xi Chen, Freelance, dissident, Guizhou province 陈西, 贵州民主异议人士、自由撰稿人
Sile Ni, Mogolian Freelance, 尼斯勒,蒙古族自由撰稿人
Xiaolu Huang, Editor; prof-huangwanli.net, Washington D.C. 黄肖路,编辑,《黄万里研究基金》主持人,华盛顿
Gu,Yuan, Editor of Guancha website (observechina.net) , Washington DC,USA 古原,观察网编辑,华盛顿
Simon Si, lawyer, Washington DC, 司鹏城,律师,华盛顿
YingZhang, Writer, Amsterdam.张英,作家,中國之春通訊社社長、歐洲導報社社長兼總編輯,阿姆斯特丹
Jian Ma, Writer, Winner of 2002 Thomas Cook Travel Book Award 马建,作家,2002汤玛士库克奖得主, 伦敦
Shengguan Buddhist monk, Guangzhou 圣观法师,广州
Miaojue Buddhist monk, Guangzhou妙觉法师,广州
Menglong Wang, Regisseur, Paris王龙蒙,导演,巴黎
Xuewen Huan, Writer, Essen, Germany还学文,作家, 德国埃森
Adelheid Dönges,Intenatinale Gesellschaft fuer Menschenrecht, IGFM, München 阿得海德.顿格斯,国际人权协会,德国慕尼黑
ZAN AIZONG , Writer,HANGZHOU,CHINA 昝爱宗,作家,《中国真话报》筹办人,中国杭州
Quan Guo, Scholar, Nanjing, China郭泉, 学者,中国南京
Xu,Senior Fellow Watson Institute for International Studies Brown
University,Providence, Rhode Island,徐文立, 布朗大学沃森国际研究所 资深研究员, 美国罗德岛
Jie Yu, Writer, Beijing, China 余杰, 作家,中国北京
Mizokami Konami,Engineer, Fukuoka, Japan,Mizokami Konami,工程师,日本福冈
Tsering Woeser ,Tibetan Writer, Beijing, China 茨仁唯色,西藏作家, 中国北京
Yubin Gui,Ph. D., CET,Toronto, Canada,归宇斌 博士,工程技术专家,加拿大多伦多
Lang Meng, Poet, Writer, Hong Kong, 孟浪,诗人,作家,香港
Wanding Ren, Economist, researcher in Paris Institute of Political Studies, Beijing 任畹町, 经济师 研究员,巴黎政治研究院访问学者,北京
Yangchao Chen (Erpu Chen),Author of “ On the Privileges”Denmark, 陈泱潮(陈尔晋)《特权论》作者,丹麦
XiliWang,employee, Kowloon, Hong Kong 王犀利,雇员, 香港九龙
Ann Noonen, President of Free Church for China, New York, 安 .努南, 中国宗教自由协会会长, 纽约Dongxing Liu,
Executive Chairman of the Chinese Democratic Party, New York刘东星,中国民主党美国总部执行主席,美国纽约
Guang Yang, Chinese Green Party member, Guangzhou, China 阳光,中华绿党党员,广州
Jianyuan Zeng, Chung Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, assistant professor曾建元,台灣中華大學行政管理學系助理教授, 台湾新竹
Zhengping Wang, Government officer, Hsinchu, Taiwan 王正平,新竹市政府員工
Jingsheng Liu, Freelance, Beijing 刘京生,自由职业,北京.
Hongnian Che, Freelance, Shandong Province, China车宏年, 自由撰稿人, 中国山东
Li Ling, electronic engineer, 凌黎, 电子工程师
Jian Zhang, Pastor (former Student leader at Tiananmen Square 1989), Paris,张健,六四学生领袖,法国牧师, 巴黎
Lun Zhang, Sociologist (former Student leader at Tiananmen Square 1989), Paris张伦, 六四学生领袖,法国社会学者, 巴黎
Weibang Sun, Writer, Paris 孙维邦,作家, 巴黎
Baozhang Wu, Former head of Chinese section of Radio France International, Paris吴葆璋,法国国际广播电台前主任, 巴黎
Chongguo Cai, Political commentator, Paris 蔡崇国,法国社会评论家, 巴黎
Marie Hozmann, French Sinologist, Paris玛丽 侯芝明,法国汉学家,巴黎
Congde Feng, former Student leader at Tiananmen Square 1989, human rights activist, San Francisco, 封从德,六四学生领袖,人权活动家,旧金山
Jean-Philippe Béja,French Sinologist, Research Director,Center for International Studies and Research白夏,法国汉学家,法国科学研究中心主任,巴黎
Michel Bonnen,French Sinologist 潘明孝,法国汉学家,巴黎
Yongzheng Wang, Writer, Finnland, 王雍罡,作家, 芬兰
Kimiko Namura, Translator, Tokyo, Japan纳村公子,翻译家,日本东京
Nagai Hiroshi, Journalist, Tokyo, Japan永井浩,新闻工作者,日本东京
Ken-ichi Kajiyama, Editor-in-Chiefof MADOKA publishing Co.,Ltd, Tokyo, Japan 梶山憲一, 圓出版編輯長,日本東京
Yoshimi Yamamoto,Scholar, Tokyo,Japan山本芳美,学者,日本東京
Zhefanzi Zhongye, Pianist, Tokyo/Paris中野真帆子,钢琴家,东京/巴黎
Ken Onishi , Ph.D. Agriculture specialist, Chiba-Ken, Japan 大西宪 , 农学博士,日本千叶
Luojin Yu, Writer, Passau, Germany遇罗锦,作家, 德国帕索
Maiping Chen, Writert Sweden, 陈迈平,作家, 瑞典
Qian Wu, Writer, Oakland, California USA吴倩,作家, 美国加州,奥克兰
Yamei Changtian, Lecturer, Japan椙田雅美,日本,讲师
Zi Kou, Freelance, Belgium 子口,自由撰稿人,比利時
Zhenrong Wu, Freelance, Korea武振荣,自由撰稿人,韩国
Yuehui Lei(Lei Ji), Freelance, Jiangxi Province, China 雷跃辉(雷激),自由撰稿人,中国江西
Fuluo Wen, Freelance, Califonia, USA 文福罗,自由撰稿人,美国加州
Luowen Yu, Freelance, Washington DC遇罗文,自由撰稿人,华盛顿
Weilu Cao, Freelance, Tianjin, China曹维录 自由撰稿人 中国天津
Fan Wu, Editor-in-Chief of China Affair伍凡, California, USA《中國事務》主编, 美國加州Qian Wu, Schriftstellerin,
Yi Lü, Pastor, Australia吕易,牧师,澳大利亚
Moli, Exile writer, Sweden茉莉,流亡作家,瑞典
Zhengming Fu, Literary critic, Sweden傅正明,文学评论家,瑞典
Gabriele von Sivers-Sattler, German sinologist, Heidelberg,Germany 加碧.冯.西维斯.萨特勒,德国汉学者,德国海德堡
Jingshi Jiang, Playwright, Paris, France 江敬世, 编剧, 法国巴黎
Gongben Song, Engineer, Paris, France 宫本松, 工程师,法国巴黎
Yingjie Zhang, Comedian, Paris, France 张英杰, 喜剧演员,法国巴黎
Jean Marc, Boxing coach, Paris, France 让马克, 法国拳击教练,法国巴黎
Xue Cao, Economist, Paris, France 曹雪, 经济师,法国巴黎
Genghui Chen, Businessman, Paris, France 陈更辉, 商人,法国巴黎
Zhifei Dong, Businessman, Paris, France 董志飞, 商人 民运参与者,法国巴黎
Changbiao Gao, Writer, Paris, France 高长标, 作家,法国巴黎
Yuan Gao, Artist, Paris, France 高原, 艺术家,法国巴黎
Huixin Ji, Actor, Paris, France 冀慧新, 演员,法国巴黎
Guoqing Jia, Composer, Professor, Paris, France 郏国庆, 作曲家 教授,法国巴黎
Youjun Jiang, Playwright, Paris, France 姜尤君, 编剧 导演,法国巴黎
Dong Liang, Worker, Paris, France 梁东, 工人,法国巴黎
Limeng Wang, Art agent, Paris, France 王黎蒙, 艺术经纪人,法国巴黎
Zexun Gong, Student, , Paris, France 弓则迅, 留学生,法国巴黎
Jijun Li, Worker, Paris, France 李继军, 工人,法国巴黎
日 前,我们注意到,欧洲49位汉学家、中国问题专家等知名人士就德国之声中文部某负责人被解职一事,发表了致德国之声电台台长贝特曼(Erik Bettermann)先生、德国之声广播委员会、德国联邦议会的公开信。由于该公开信涉及到中国历史、现状的评论。我们作为中国民间人士、尤其是身居中 国国内的知识界人士,有责任就该信提出的有关问题,表明我们的态度。
二、 我们反对德国之声中文部某负责人有关中国人权状况的一些不负责任的言论。比如她说:“中国共产党比世界上任何一支政治力量在实践人权宣言第三条方面的贡献 都要大。”又如她引用德国《时代周刊》驻北京记者的话:“在过去30年里让4亿中国人摆脱贫困是近年来最大的人权改善之一。”我们认为,这些判断完全是基 于中国官方舆论宣传,并无任何记者或学者能独立提供可供检验的事实依据,无论谁以此作为个人观点都有失新闻工作者或学者的职业操守。但我们同时认为,发表 这些言论尽管荒谬但尚属言论自由的范围,并赞赏德国之声等有关机构并未因此剥夺任何人的言论自由权利。因此,49人公开信中所说的“应该坚决地反击,保护 他们”,实属夸张多余,有误导舆论之嫌。
但 是,令我们感到遗憾和失望的是,我们只看到49人公开信为德国之声中文部某负责人的被免职叫屈,却没有看到过那些与中国当局有“合作伙伴”关系的人士为中 国国内的因言获罪者呼吁。试问:难道只有那些说了中国政府爱听的话的人需要保护,而批评中国政府者就不需要保护?或者,二者相比,后者的言论自由就无足轻 重?
“六四镇压”快20年了,但是在中国国内,“六四”仍然是一个言论的禁区。你们是否认为,有必要 以联署的方式来呼吁保护中国境内那些想冲破这个禁区的人?我们注意到该信联署者中有一位从事国际政治研究的教授(Reimund Seidelmann, Universitt Gieen),据称他还是北京中国人民大学的一位名誉教授。那么,我们想问问他,他是否知道中国人民大学有一位教授叫丁子霖(也是本信的签名者之一)。她 的儿子在“六四”中被无辜杀害了,她代表的“天安门母亲”为寻求正义苦苦抗争了近20年。但她的言论自由在中国境内完全被剥夺:她的声音在国内彻底被消 音,她的著作不能在国内出版,也不能在国内流传,连她的人身自由都得不到保障。我们要请问这位人民大学的名誉教授,当你接受人大校方赐予的这份荣誉时,你 会想到“丁子霖”这个名字吗?当她的公民权利受到不公正的侵犯时,你愿意保护她吗?愿意对侵犯她权利的中国政府进行反击吗?
本信的 另一位签名者鲍彤先生,一些中国问题专家想必不会生疏吧?请问问鲍彤先生自己,他在中国国内有言论自由吗?他的名字能在国内媒体上出现吗?他坐牢七年,刑 满后恢复公民身份也已十多年,连人身自由都被剥夺,谈何言论自由!你们想到过要保护他吗?想到过向侵犯他公民权利的中国政府反击吗?
还 有一位记者兼诗人师涛,现在中国监狱中要渡过漫长的十年刑期。起码那些与中国当局有“合作伙伴”关系的人士应该知道,这是雅虎公司向中国政府提供网上信息 导致异议人士坐牢的典型案件之一,也正是目前在中国常见的见利忘义的“合作伙伴”关系的可怕恶果之一。你们为师涛的言论自由联名呼吁过吗?想到过向这种“ 合作伙伴”共同作恶的现象反击吗?
另 外,你们也应该知道中国监狱里还有成千上万因言论而被判刑的良心犯,其中的新闻工作者、人权活动者、作家和学者同仁如:杨天水(两次22年),哈达(15 年),黄金秋(12年),杨子立等“北京四君子”(2人10年,2人8年),郑贻春(7年),张建红(6年),张林和杨茂东(5年),吕耿松、陈树庆和齐 崇怀(4年),杜导斌和严正学(3年),陈道军和黄琦(尚未审判)……,尤其是最近刚获萨哈罗夫人权奖的胡佳(3年半),你们是否也能联名为他们呼吁一 下,使得他们早日获得释放,也多少享受一点你们相信的“人权改善”?诸如此类的因言获罪案件在中国不胜枚举,你们作为中国问题的专家、权威,有多少人关注 过这些案件吗?对这些案件作出过“谨慎的调查分析”吗?
不错,该公开信中倡导“谨慎的调查分析,报道中国发展中的多样性、矛盾的多 方面情况”,并声明要“捍卫新闻工作和学术工作的专业准则、责任意识和客观性。”很好!我们举双手赞成。那么,请与中国政府机构有“合作伙伴” 关系的专家学者们,迈开双脚也到中国民间来走走,听听各方面的声音,然后作出抉择:在保护言论自由方面,你们究竟该做些什么。在此,我们还要向你们呼吁: 当你们与中国官方开展友好合作、与中国同行切磋交流的时候,千万不要忘记把你们公开信里说的那套“保护言论自由”的高深学问作为一个课题,放到你们的交流 计划之中。
胡平——作家,北京之春主编 (美国纽约)
(欢迎各界人士签名联署,联系电邮信箱:[email protected])
