“ 事件发生在9月24日,中国的武装警察长期以来一直在对格尔登寺进行封锁,他们指责一位外出上厕所的僧侣跨越了封锁线,并对他进行殴打。被打得满身是血的 僧侣回到寺院后,五十多名藏族僧侣集体到寺院附近的警察局表示抗议。两辆满载着武装警察的军用卡车随即到来,武警使用木棒、枪托和砍刀对这五十多名僧侣进 行野蛮殴打。僧侣们不但没有反抗,反而全体平躺下来,希望向武警表明他们的行动是非暴力性的。在武警继续野蛮殴打的情况下,这些僧侣甚至揭开了自己的衣 服,以表明他们手无寸铁,是无辜的。五名僧侣由于伤势危急被送到当地医院抢救,这五人的名字是:……”
“ 白皮书宣称,中国政府依照法律保护西藏的宗教信仰。而就在此白皮书公布的前一天,中国的武装警察甚至使用砍刀殴打藏族僧侣,这清楚地表明中国政府在白皮书 中所宣称的内容与实际发生在西藏当地的事实完全不相符合。单单只在今年,非法被当局无理拘禁的藏族僧侣就达数千人之多。事实证明,中国政府不但没有保护西 藏的宗教自由,甚至对西藏和周边地区的藏族僧侣正在使用越来越严厉的军事手段进行镇压。”
“ 这和当局处理西藏事件所采取的立场和方式是有直接关系的。它处理西藏事件是用煽动性的、敌视的、甚至种族对立的方式,煽动这种民族情绪和民族意识。这样一 种民族意识在军警当中实际上是很容易被煽动起来的。所以,一旦出现任何一点事情,他们就要施以暴力来对待他们。那么,这样一种种族对立是很难弥合的,而往 往是一种冤冤相报。我的希望就是:中国将来不会出现这样的情况。”
印 度北部达兰萨拉西藏格德寺僧人罗桑益西今天向本台介绍说,西藏安多阿坝县格德寺现年20多岁的一名僧人于本周三(24日)晚上企图到寺院外面时,遭到驻守 寺院的中共军警的武力恐吓及谩骂,随后这名僧人无奈回到格德寺附近的一家饭店后,把所有情况告诉给正在饭店吃饭的数十名同寺僧人,于是这些僧人到中共军营 讨理,但是中共军警不仅不理会西藏僧众的呼声,反而出动大量军警,用菜刀和铁锨等工具残酷殴打这些手无寸铁的西藏僧人,导致格德寺僧人索才为首的4名僧人 严重受伤。
罗 桑益西继续表示,当时在僧人和军警间进行调解的西藏格德寺寺管会工作人员拉却也遭到中共军警的残酷毒打。他说,中共当局虽然撤走了在阿坝县各乡村驻守的军 警,但是阿坝县城和格德寺依然被大量军警严密监控。此外,中共当局于本月16日和17日还增派军队全面监控西藏格德寺。
一名当地藏人向BBC表示,虽然中共当局释放了一些拘捕藏人,但仍然有很多藏人被继续关押。另一名藏人也表示, 到处都是军警,他们没有任何自由,生活状况也非常艰难。这名藏人还通过BBC呼吁中国政府给予藏人更多的人身自由,允许西藏政教领袖达赖喇嘛返回西藏。
Chinese armed police used spades and meat choppers to beat Tibetan monks
FTC[Saturday, September 27, 2008 01:21]
Free Tibet Campaign yesterday reported the beating of 50 Tibetan monks by Chinese armed police at Kirti monastery on 24 September. Kirti monastery is in Ngaba county (Ch: Aba) in the Amdo region of Tibet (Ch: Sichuan province).
Free Tibet Campaign has now received further information from an extremely reliable source on what happened at Kirti monastery.
The monk who was initially beaten on the evening of 24 September has been named as Jimpa Ladja. Jimpa Ladja had left the monastery buildings to go to the toilet but had not gone beyond the outer perimeter of the monastery. (Kirti monastery is surrounded by Chinese armed police. The police are stationed at nine separate checkpoints around the perimeter of the monastery. There are between ten and fifteen police at each checkpoint and each checkpoint is surrounded by a fence. Beyond the checkpoints a separate line has been drawn around the perimeter of the monastery. Monks are forbidden to move beyond the perimeter without permission.)
According to the source, Jimpa Ladja was stopped by armed police at one of the checkpoints while he was walking back to the monastery. The police accused Ladja of walking beyond the perimeter and beat him badly, despite Ladja’s persistent denials that he had crossed the outer perimeter.
Following the beating Ladja was able to walk to a restaurant which is owned by Kirti monastery. Approximately 50 monks were eating at the restaurant when Ladja arrived. Ladja was bleeding and told the monks that he had been beaten, even though he had not crossed the monastery perimeter. According to the source, two of the monks at the restaurant immediately went to the police station situated to the north of Kirti to demand to know why Ladja had been beaten. Chinese armed personnel at the station threatened the monks, firing live rounds into the sky and into the ground in front of the monks. The monks ran back to the restaurant, chased by Chinese armed police who demanded that Ladja leave the restaurant immediately.
According to the source, two separate monks at the restaurant protested to the armed police that it was unreasonable to punish monks for leaving the monastery to go to the toilet. The monks asked the police to call their superiors to settle the problem. One of the police made a call but soon after the call was made two truckloads of armed police arrived at the monastery. The police were armed with rifles, spades and meat choppers.
When the police arrived the monks lay on the ground, and even removed their garments to show the police that they were not armed, according to the source. Despite the absence of violence from the monks, the police beat the monks severely, using the butts of their rifles, spades and even the meat choppers. Five of the 50 monks had to be hospitalized due to the severity of their injuries. The hospitalized monks are: Lama Sotse; Rabgye; Tsang Chopel; Labchoek and Lophel. According to the source, Rabgye and Tsang Chopel had suffered particularly severe injuries after being attacked with spades and meat choppers.
The injured monks were taken to the civil hospital in Ngaba town. On 26 September only Lama Sotse remained in the hospital. The whereabouts of the other four monks who were hospitalized are presently unknown.
Free Tibet Campaign spokesperson, Matt Whitticase, said: “The Chinese government yesterday issued a White Paper claiming that Tibetan religious beliefs are protected by law. Such claims are shameful in the light of the credible reports we have received of this latest act of brutality against Tibetan monks.
“Such abuses by the Chinese authorities are routine in Tibet and this dire situation is exacerbated by the refusal of the authorities to allow reporters unrestricted access to Tibet. The international community must exert far greater pressure than it has so far on China to open upTibet to the scrutiny of the media and independent agencies such as the UN and the Red Cross.”
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