2008年07月10日 16:56:28 来源:新华网
新华网北京7月10日电(记者熊争艳 林立平)中国外交部发言人刘建超10日在例行记者会上表示,民族分裂组织“藏青会”的骨干成员、英籍人士德庆边巴在华期间从事了违反中国法律的活动,已被驱逐出境。
2008年7月8 日上午8点55分(北京时间),在我准备离开我的公寓时,有七八名安全人员拦住了我。他们让我回到公寓并收缴了我的手机和护照。其中有两人用小型摄像机到处拍摄。
有6 人用一辆面包车递解我去机场,前面有两辆、后面有一辆黑色轿车同时前往。整个过程一直有人拍摄。我被送上了一架于13:35分飞往伦敦的中国国际航空公司 班机,并被告知5年之内禁止回到中国——这些内容也被拍摄了。对我的驱逐看来是一个大的行动,我估计至少有30人参加了这次行动——这只是我能数得过来的 那些人。他们都穿着便衣,我不知道除了警察之外他们究竟是些什么人。
自从2006年9月以来,我一直生活在北京,有时是一名全日制的学生,有时边学习边做兼职的英文教师。我持有有效期至2008年11月的工作签证,而中 国有关方面在没有给出任何详细理由的情况下,以“明显违犯国家有关法律”为由将我驱逐出境。在中国期间,我没有参与任何可以解释为“反华”或违法的活动。 递解我前往机场的警察,从来没有要求我承认任何罪行,也没有让我签署任何文件。警方承诺将向我递交一份驱逐通知,但我至今没有收到这份通知。
Dear friends:
at 8:55 am (Beijing time) on 8th July 2008, 7 or 8 security staff were waiting for me as i left my apartment. They made me go back into my apartment and hand in my mobile phones to them along with my passport. 2 of these people were filming everything with small video cameras.
I was informed that I had broken the laws of the country and according to those laws had to leave immediately. when I asked exactly why I was being made to leave, I was told that I ought to know what I had done wrong. I was not allowed to contact the British Embassy.
Before being allowed to pack anything my apartment was thoroughly searched and some items such as books about Tibet (some were in Chinese, bought in China) and a T-shirt which had Tibetan writing on it were confiscated. My tickets for Olympics events were also confiscated along with my Bank of China bank book - I was also made to give them my PIN number for that bank account.
6 people escorted me to the airport in a minibus in a convoy with 2 black cars in front and 1 black car behind us. The filming also continued. I was put on the 13:35 Air China flight to London and told I was forbidden to come back to China for 5 years. My phones and passport were handed back to me just as I was boarding the plane - this was all also filmed. It seemed to be a big operation to deport me and I would estimate at least 30 people were involved - and those were just the ones obvious to me that I could count. They were all plain-clothed and I do not know, beyond jingcha, exactly who they were.
Having seen many of my friends being forced to leave China in the recent weeks due to visa problems I thought myself fortunate to have a valid work visa until November 2008. However, this just wasn't meant to be. As some of you may know, there have been two previous times where security have made themselves known to me since April of this year. I have been promised a copy of my deportation notice, they said that they will give it to whichever of my friends goes to my apartment to pick up the rest of my things. Whether I will ever see this document remains to be seen.
I feel very sad to be leaving my friends behind and worry for the personal safety of many of my Tibetan friends. It is an unfortunate way to leave a city that I feel a strong connection with having been based there since September 2006. I hope that I can go back one day.
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for your work - I have enjoyed meeting and talking with all of you and I hope we keep in touch. Should any of you come to London on your travels then do look me up!
With best wishes,
London, 8th July, 9:15pm GMT
10:17 AM
Statement by Dechen Pemba
I have just read the July 10th Xinhua news article which describes me as "a key member of the ethnic separatist "Tibetan Youth Congress"" and states "Dechen also admitted her wrongdoings" and I am completely shocked at these baseless, fabricated allegations. I would like to clearly state here that I am not a member of the Tibetan Youth Congress and I have no association with them.
Since September 2006 I have lived in Beijing either as a full time student or as a part time student and part time English teacher. I held a valid work visa until November 2008 and was deported on July 8th for apparently breaking the laws of the country without being given any further details. While living in China I did not engage in anything that can be construed as anti-China or illegal. The police who escorted me to the airport never asked me to admit to any crimes nor was I asked to sign any documents. I have been promised a copy of my deportation notice but have yet to receive it.
Many aspects of living in China were positive for me, I met many interesting people, both Chinese and Tibetan. I found Beijing to be a vibrant, fast-paced city with an exciting cultural life. However, these positive experiences have been marred by the events of the last few days. It is sad to think of the Olympic Games taking place in a country where resident's rights are so restricted and people who are living legitimately, pay tax and who possess a work visa can be deported so suddenly.
In the run up to the Olympic Games I am completely amazed at the lengths to which the Chinese government is willing to go in their security crackdown. The circumstances of my deportation have been documented by the media and I am currently at home with my parents in London. My thoughts and utmost concern lie with my Tibetan friends in Beijing who would not have the good fortune to be deported to a foreign country should they fall victim to the paranoid whims of the government. Clearly, any Tibetan who faces a baseless charge or who the government deems necessary to "silence" in the next month or two will face severe punishment.
Dechen Pemba
London, July 10th, 2:15pm GMT